
Hering Store Awarded Top 25 Brazilian Franchisor Awards of 2019

For the sixth year, the Bittencourt Group, a consulting firm specialized in franchises, awards the Brazilian franchise networks most prominent regarding the origin of the brand applied in the business.

The Hering Store was among the Top 25 Brazilian Franchisors, a result announced at a ceremony held on Tuesday, October 1st, during the 10th International Business Franchise Network Management Forum, also promoted by the consultancy.

Every year, the organization of the event conducts unprecedented surveys with the intention of bringing to the market reflections that can generate practical insights into its business. The surveys are proprietary and include the participation of franchisors from various segments.

Rodrigo Cardoso de Melo, general manager of Operations, Expansion, and Franchises at the Hering company, was its representative during the awards ceremony.