Cia. Hering has been named as the most respected fashion company by Brazilian consumers. The study, published by Consumidor Moderno magazine, aims at identifying the companies classified as most respected, based on consumer experience.
13 de November de 2019 às 11h32
Cia. Hering has been named as the most respected fashion company by Brazilian consumers. The study, published by Consumidor Moderno magazine, aims at identifying the companies classified as most respected, based on consumer experience.
às 11h31
Cia. Hering earned the Infraero Logistical Efficiency Award in the Textiles category. The award aims at encouraging companies who run the clearance processes for imported cargo to improve their performance, optimizing time, and consequently improving their results.
às 11h27
The Hering brand was voted the country’s 60th most valuable brand. To make it onto the ranking, companies need to be exclusively Brazilian. The survey includes a financial component (evaluation of intangible assets published by Bloomberg and in the companies’ annual reports) and a market component (with a quantification of the brand’s significance among the company’s intangible assets.
às 11h25
Positioned among the largest companies in Brazil’s South region, Cia. Hering was awarded two trophies: one for highest net revenue, and one for highest profitability, both for the textile and confections segment, linked to the 500 Maiores do Sul (500 Best in the South) ranking. Organized by Amanhã magazine, in partnership with PwC, the survey listed Cia. Hering in 53rd place in the general ranking, which evaluates the 500 largest companies in the South, and positioned it in 11th place among the 100 largest companies in Santa Catarina State.
às 11h22
The ABF seal is a symbol of excellence that is given to a franchisor by its franchisee partners. It is they who, via a survey, evaluate the brand, and, in accordance with the score earned, approve the seal to be given by ABF.
às 11h42
The RA 1000 certification is for the Physical Store and Virtual Store category, and rewards companies’ excellence in service, reflecting post-sale commitment to its consumers, trust, and quality of products and services.
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The Hering brand was recognized as one of the most relevant retail brands by the 2019 Alshop Award, as the brand with the most consumer votes in the Women’s and Men’s Fashion category.
The Hering Kids brand was one of the three finalists in the Kids’ Fashion category.
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The Hering, Hering Kids and PUC brands earned the Seal of Excellence in Franchising.
This is the 16th time PUC has earned the seal; Hering has earned 14 consecutive seals, and Hering Kids has also been recognized by the award.
The seal was earned following a satisfaction survey among franchisees of the participating brands. This study, carried out by ABF, aims at evaluating (from the franchisee’s point of view) the support provided by the brand, which includes the selection process for franchisees, conformance of investment estimates, provision of supplies, communication, support, and training.
às 11h44
The Hering Store won the 2019 Best Franchises in Brazil Award, organized by Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios magazine.
Once again, the brand earned the five-star rating, the award’s top classification.
The evaluation of the top brands took into account the quality of the network, investment in marketing and innovation, performance, and satisfaction of franchisees.
Cia. Hering está em evolução, sempre buscando ir além para oferecer experiências únicas e surpreendentes para todas as pessoas.