Principal honraria do mercado de franquias do País, o Prêmio ABF tornou-se também, ao longo de sua história, uma distinção às redes, profissionais e pesquisadores que o conquistam.
A Cia. Hering conquistou a vitória na categoria Mega pelo Programa de Gestão de Fornecedores. Instituído em 2012 para garantir o alinhamento dos fornecedores aos valores e compromissos da companhia, por meio do programa, um comitê se reúne mensalmente, discute temas relevantes para a sustentabilidade desses parceiros e define iniciativas relacionadas ao tema. Uma das ações é o Prêmio Abra: uma premiação que reconhece os fornecedores com as melhores práticas de qualidade, compliance e gestão do negócio. Na prática, as confecções são avaliadas quanto ao índice de qualidade das peças que enviam, à flexibilidade de produção de itens mais elaborados e tempo de entrega do pedido e à atuação em compliance. Considerando variáveis relacionadas a condições de trabalho e responsabilidade ambiental, a Cia. Hering identifica os premiados com medalhas ouro, prata e bronze. Ao longo de 2019, 358 confecções participaram do prêmio e foram entregues 92 medalhas de ouro, 367 prata e 425 bronze. Os bons resultados do prêmio tornam a cadeia de fornecedores mais forte, sólida, formada por empreendedores que respeitam leis, o meio ambiente e as pessoas.
Readers of Veja magazine selected the most prominent companies and personalities of the past 50 years. Hering earned first place in the Men’s Fashion category, and second in Women’s Fashion. The study was carried out by the Market Intelligence and Research division by publisher Abril; it selected prominent personalities and companies from the past 50 years in Brazil.
The Hering brand is the most recalled for t-shirts among Brazilian men. In addition to taking gold in this modality, Hering earned bronze in the overall national ranking and silver in the men’s shorts segment. The result was determined by the new survey “Moda Masculina Top of Mind 2018,” organized by the El Hombre portal, which analyzed the most recalled men’s fashion brands by Brazilian men in different segments.
The Hering brand was ranked among the Best Franchises in Brazil in 2018, organized by Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios magazine, in partnership with Serasa Experian. The brand earned a five star rating, the highest possible classification, after achieving the best scores based on three categories: brand quality (the brand’s value, investment in marketing, and innovation), the network’s performance (financial), and franchisee satisfaction (evaluations by unit owners in terms of the services provided by the franchisor).
Cia. Hering was awarded third place among companies from the textiles sector, seventh place for overall liquidity, and 17th among companies with the lowest levels of debt in Brazil. The Melhores e Maiores (loose translation: “Best and Biggest”) prize by Exame magazine recognizes Brazilian companies that invested, innovated, and sought new markets, even in the midst of a crisis.
The brand with the two little fish has once more earned a significant recognition from its Brazilian consumers. The Marcas Mais (loose translation: “Top Brands”) study, prepared by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo and the Troiano Branding consulting firm, indicates that Hering is the second most relevant brand for residents of São Paulo State, and third among consumers from the entire South and Southeast regions, in the Clothing Stores category. The study’s objective is to identify the products and services brands with which consumers show the highest levels of involvement.
The Hering Store, Hering Kids and PUC franchise networks were granted the Excellence in Franchising Seal (SEF) by ABF (Brazilian Franchising Association). The SEF is seen as the most meaningful distinction for franchising networks in Brazil. The ABF seal looks every year at companies who, according to the franchisees, are recognized for quality and excellence in their relationship as a franchisor.
In the textiles, leather and clothing category, Hering ranked second overall and is among the top five companies in four subcategories within the segment. In the analysis of the textiles, leather and clothing sector, the award named Cia. Hering as the winner in the financial performance category. In corporate governance, Hering was ranked second; it was ranked fourth in sustainability. In the Vision for the Future category, Hering landed fifth place, and 97th worldwide.
Cia. Hering took second place among the top companies in Brazil’s South region. The list, produced in partnership with credit rating agency Austin Rating and FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração), took into account historical information and financial data provided in balance sheets published by the companies.
In a study by MERCO (Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa – Corporate Reputation Business Monitor), published by Exame magazine, Cia. Hering occupies first place in the ranking of companies with the best reputation in the Brazilian clothing and footwear segment.