
Hering lança ‘Camisetas com Amor’ e destina 100% do lucro para o Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo

O objetivo é contribuir com a compra de ventiladores pulmonares que será feita pela unidade de saúde


Diante das recomendações de distanciamento social, a Hering propõe um grande abraço virtual através do lançamento da campanha #CamisetasComAmor.

As camisetas estampadas com dizeres como “Contando os dias pra te ver de novo”, “Vai ficar tudo bem”, “Não há saudade que sempre dure, nem distância que nunca acabe” e “Saudades de você”, levam mensagens de positividade, carinho, inspiração e empatia para o momento. O básico essencial de todos os estilos sempre foi perfeito para conectar todo mundo. Para deixar todos nós juntos!

Todo o lucro obtido pela venda das peças será destinado ao Hospital das Clínicas, com o objetivo de colaborar com a compra de ventiladores pulmonares que será realizada por esta unidade de saúde.

Isabeli Fontana and Ana Claudia Michels star in Hering’s collection for the Breast Cancer Fashion Target campaign

Two of Brazil’s main top models represent Hering’s initiative alongside IBCC Oncology

Hering continues the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the “Breast Cancer Fashion Target” campaign, held in partnership with IBCC Oncology, bringing two strong women to represent the cause.

Isabeli Fontana and Ana Claudia Michels star in the new campaign and symbolize the collective of strong women who dedicate themselves to raising awareness about the theme.

A pioneer in demystifying breast cancer-related paradigms, Hering has partnered with the IBCC campaign for more than 2 decades, has brought the discussion about the disease to a broader spectrum, and has made fashion a tool for awareness. Increasingly current and relevant, the partnership with IBCC Oncology completes 25 years in 2020 and continues to have a positive impact on health and well-being.

Using an even more current and trend-related interpretation, Hering reinforces its commitment to re-signify fashion with each collection, this time presenting an innovative retelling of the “Blue Target”. The Tie-dye print brings a different graphic representation of the logo and creates an unusual way of dressing the cause. The stripes appear with fuzzy gradient edges, creating an optical effect.

Isabeli Fontana and Ana Claudia Michels wear items from the collection in a relaxed atmosphere in the campaign photos. Both join the project with the mission of raising awareness and bringing even more visibility to the cause, as well as adding a fashion appeal to the Hering and IBCC collaboration. For each product sold, R$ 6.50 goes to the Institution

With 40 years of history, PUC is re-launched, and its purpose is to redefine “making art”

Children’s brand will draw inspiration from “making art, coloring the future” to connect the collective, fashion, playful, and family pillars that will guide PUC’s new position

Four decades have passed since PUC entered the children’s clothing market and became synonymous with attitude and style through its colorful and printed clothing that intensified the brightness, vibration, and joy of the little ones. Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2019, the brand refines its strategy and connects with the spirit of time, with art as its source of inspiration.

According to the director of New Business of the Hering company and brand manager, Romael Soso, PUC is now meeting the needs and desires of consumers with an updated and true value proposition with its history. This relationship manifests itself in three major pillars: brand, product, and channels. “Repositioning a brand with 40 years of history requires the consistency, coherence, and integration of these three elements, always looking for a short and long-term horizon,” says the executive.

To mark this moment, PUC chose art to connect to the collective, fashion, playful, and family pillars, which will direct the new steps of the brand. “Concerning the collective, art brings together various groups and helps to develop the more human side of the little ones. For fashion, art adds a more creative, dreamy tone. In the playful universe, art invites children to create new worlds and to imagine possibilities for the future. In the family circle, and with its democratic character, art unites everyone in the family in a moment”, explains the director.

In this context, PUC will offer a lifestyle curation that goes beyond the product, the value proposition will focus on an assortment of new categories relevant to children allied to products with a refined aesthetic; all with a look at socio-environmental responsibility, diversity, collective incentive, and concern for the planet, as well as understanding diversity.

The brand will also deliver experience, driving the generation of free and playful spaces for little ones to create, dream, and have the means to imagine and color a new future; technology will be at the service of experience and will work on personalized content, expanding the conversations with the families.

The new store project, which is inspired by parks and children’s squares, will have a fully open-front environment, without showcases and with much interactivity. The ultimate objective is for these stores to become a social hub for the entire family, generating entertainment and shopping experience.

Hering opens kiosks and strengthens its domain in the T-shirt branch

Hering POP kiosk gathers special products with proprietary and licensed prints aligned with current narratives

Expressing identity and preferences from a pure cotton T-shirt from Brazil’s most beloved brand made it even easier for those in love with the pop universe. Consumers can view at a new Hering store model in kiosk format where the Hering POP line is exclusively sold. A mix of t-shirts addressing issues such as behavior, series, movies, games, music, and literature. Named Hering POP Kiosk.

To develop its special product line, Hering has gone deeper into a youthful language to reinforce the brand’s t-shirts as icons of humor and attitude – drawing on its proprietary style and renowned knitwear. Irreverent T-shirts have been part of Hering’s history since the 1970s when the item became an icon of a generation’s behavioral manifestation.

With Hering POP, the idea is to facilitate the choice of items that allow the consumers to express themselves with prints that begin subjects and generate conversations. The kiosks will work with a portfolio of basic and printed t-shirts, as well as those with special editions of the characters most loved worldwide. Therefore, the brand will keep up to date with current POP culture themes without limiting itself to a specific subject. This is yet another Hering strategy to collaborate with the consumers’ journey and experience and uncomplicate their choices.

Following a tendency and an easily accessible consumer need, the kiosks will offer consumers the option of customizing the line’s products through the brand’s e-commerce, where the public can make their purchases from screens available at these sales points. This is made possible by setting up hub stores in each region with printers for printing and shipping parts.

Shopping malls, department stores, airports, colleges, and supermarkets are environments that can receive the new business model. Also, by offering the option of assembly and disassembly, the furniture can adapt to spaces of temporary sales, such as fairs and corporate events.

Hering Store Awarded Top 25 Brazilian Franchisor Awards of 2019

For the sixth year, the Bittencourt Group, a consulting firm specialized in franchises, awards the Brazilian franchise networks most prominent regarding the origin of the brand applied in the business.

The Hering Store was among the Top 25 Brazilian Franchisors, a result announced at a ceremony held on Tuesday, October 1st, during the 10th International Business Franchise Network Management Forum, also promoted by the consultancy.

Every year, the organization of the event conducts unprecedented surveys with the intention of bringing to the market reflections that can generate practical insights into its business. The surveys are proprietary and include the participation of franchisors from various segments.

Rodrigo Cardoso de Melo, general manager of Operations, Expansion, and Franchises at the Hering company, was its representative during the awards ceremony.